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Showing posts from April, 2016

Sometimes, the most heartwrenching form of oppression is “common sense.”

Sometimes, the most heartwrenching form of oppression is “common sense.” So-called “common sense.” Where there’s this unquestioned certainty that of course any right thinking person believes this … For me, I can take raging vitriol. It reveals a discomfort the rager has. It tips their hand, shows their vulnerabilities. I can even feel sympathy for them. But that unquestioned acceptance, that assumption that all “normal” people think this one thing, and anyone who thinks differently is a freak – it just hits me down in the gut, you know? I attended an evangelical seminary, and had some really great moments there. And then there were other moments. One that remains a scar happened one evening in my Ethics class. The professor, whom I really admired, was talking about homosexuality. He was being “tolerant,” I’m sure he thought. “Of course homosexuality is a sin,” he said, “But what about all the other sins? Why don’t we give them as much attention?” He wasn’t