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Showing posts from September, 2021

And the Day Came

And the day came when finally They put down their burdens And said, “That’s enough of that.”   The moment was full of sorrow but also relief Arms exhausted from carrying the burden Of trying to entice, persuade, people to be more   Compassionate, wise They continued their own work Of building a world more just But were freer, lighter The responsibility for others’ thoughts Was gone. They taught through their actions For anyone willing to read their lives You can see them now At work in the daytime Singing and laughing in the evenings Ask for their views And they’ll give a mysterious smile You can join them, you know But you cannot fight them For they just continue on their way Doing the work that is theirs to do They do not seek your agreement, your approbation When they encounter an obstacle They find a way over it I have never seen people who worked so hard Look so at peace.